Деревья, пруд, парк, замок, рисунок, арт, живопись, стихи обои на телефон (фото, картинки)

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Комментарии • 2
I do not understand the text, however, the picture is lovely! (Я не понимаю текста, но картинка очень красивая!)
(a poem about the castle Novastan)

December 24th, 2012

In the quaint Palace gallery,
Where ghosts walk at night,
And the ladies in the portraits don't age,
Exposing their pale faces to the rays,
I spent my time there until noon
For drawing in the company of a jester
The Princess for whom there were weekdays
With a jester, more than a ball of vanity.
How often, smiling at his jokes,
There was a hidden sadness in her eyes.
It seemed to her that in the castle for a moment
He didn't notice anything.
What did she ask for?,
What did you drop by accident,
Leaves flew from the notebook,
Or she asked me to bring her tea.
He knew she was always like this,
Indefatigable in imagining mischief,
The instigator of all that has no peace,
For which he was punished more than once.
It would have been better for her to have been born a boy,
When I wasn't so beautiful,
On will on forests-fields run,
Share freedom with the wind in half.
He remembered those crazy games,
When, portraying a horse,
He carried it on his shoulders in the oaks,
Just to make her happy.
To be heard more often with an overflow
Her merry, silvery laugh,
He indulged her sweet pranks.
Time flew in the children's games of those...
Before him-slender, beautiful, graceful,
Well-bred, affable, gentle-his Princess.
Sooner or later,
But she will marry after all.
A lot of princes have already wooed her.
One day he will Woo you.
Who is not worthy of a pinky
A Princess, but he would take her away.
My whole life will then be meaningless, -
So the jester thought. The door opened,
The soul fluttered and hung,
I thought: don't believe him, don't believe him!
This one came! Will the Princess say what?
How you looked! How could she?
Irresistible brilliant rake -
He put his hand on her palm.
The carriage is waiting, and she gets in,
Horses leaped, riding beside her
Prancing impostor (my killer!)
On his dashing white steed...
Since then, centuries have passed over the castle,
But the ringing is heard - and the star falls
From the tower where one day at dawn
The fool said goodbye to love forever.
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